Template Syntax


Ensconce uses a template language based on a version on Django.

This was ported to .net and later brought directly into Ensconce when support for the port ceased.

The port is based on version 1.8 of Django, though not all functionality was ported.

To verify support, this section will detail the known working template syntax elements.

These are broken down into 3 sections

General Principals

Content Tags

A tag starts with {{ and ends with }}. For example {{ MyValue }}

Tags can be tiers to include property groups whereby they syntax is {{ Label.Identity.Property }}

Content Tags With Filters

Filters are applied using a | and a : for any inputs to the filter. For example {{ MyValue|default:'DefaultValue' }}

Other Tags

Other tags such as if statements and for loops start with {% and end with %}. for example {% if MyValue = 'test' %}True{% else %}False{% endif %}.