
Less Than

Supported symbols is <

Less Than Example

{% if TestValue < '5' %}Is Less Than 5{% else %}Is Greater Than Or Equal To 5{% endif %}

Less Than Or Equal To

Supported symbols is <=

Less Than Or Equal To Example

{% if TestValue <= '5' %}Is Less Than Or Equal To 5{% else %}Is Greater Than 5{% endif %}

Important Note

Non String Inputs

If the input value is not an integer, this will NOT error, but will evaluate as false

So, given the above examples, if the value is Not-A-Number then then else condition will output/execute

Integer Inputs

If the value being checked is an integer (for example if you have used the length filter) then the conditional value should also be an integer.

{% if PropertyGroup|length < 1 %}No Instances Of Group{% else %}At Least 1 Instance Of Group{% endif %}