Database Deployment


Ensconce has the roundhousE project embedded within it’s codebase.

This means that you can deploy databases using the roundhousE database deployment tool with the Ensconce framework.


Standard Deployment

ensconce --deployFrom=[pathToSQLFiles] --connectionString=[sqlConnectionString]

Warn On One Time Script Changes

By default, Ensconce will error if you change a one time script, you can override this behavior

ensconce --deployFrom=[pathToSQLFiles] --connectionString=[sqlConnectionString] --warnOnOneTimeScriptChanges=True

Run Outside A Transaction

By default, Ensconce will run all scripts within a transaction which rolls back upon a failure. Not all database change scripts can run within a transaction, so it’s possible to disable this functionality

ensconce --deployFrom=[pathToSQLFiles] --connectionString=[sqlConnectionString] --withTransaction=False

roundhousE Output

Ensconce tries to prevent the default roundhousE output, however roundhousE will still create some in flight files.

The path for this by default is E:\RH. This can be overridden.

ensconce --deployFrom=[pathToSQLFiles] --connectionString=[sqlConnectionString] --roundhouseOutputPath=[pathToOutput]

roundhousE Timeout

This is the timeout for SQL queries run by roundhousE, there is a default of 30 seconds.

ensconce --deployFrom=[pathToSQLFiles] --connectionString=[sqlConnectionString] --databaseCommandTimeout=[CustomTimeoutValue]