Reports Role


Ensconce can configure reports being deployed to SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

As part of the deployment subscriptions can be added using a Ensconce defined SubInfo file.

Whilst deploying the reports, any connection information for the report database will be updated to ensure reports run against the correct database.


ensconce --dr --rsv reportingServicesUrl=[urlToReportingServices] --rsv networkDomain=[authenticationDomain] --rsv networkLogin=[authenticationUser] --rsv networkPassword=[authenticationPassword] --rsv parentFolder=[reportRootFolder] --rsv subFolder=[reportSubFolder] --rsv dataSourceName=[reportDataSource] --rsv  ataSourceConnectionString=[reportDataSourceConnectionString] --rsv dataSourceUserName=[reportDataSourceUserName] --rsv dataSourcePassword= [reportDataSourcePassword] --rsv reportSourceFolder=[pathToReports]

SubInfo Files

A SubInfo file is a text file with the .subinfo extension with a key/value store of subscription information.

The available sub info is as follows

  • subscriptionOn - either true or false
  • eventType - The SSRS event type, for example TimedSubscription
  • scheduleXml - The report timed subscription schedule in XML format
  • subscriptionType - The type of report, either FileShare, CSV or Email (the default is Email if not provided)
  • subjectPrefix - A prefix to apply to email report subscriptions
  • emailBodyText - The text to include in the body of email report subscriptions
  • subscriptionSendTo - semi colon separated list of email report subscription recipients
  • subscriptionCCto - semi colon separated list of email report subscription recipients who will be in CC
  • subscriptionBCCto - semi colon separated list of email report subscription recipients who will be in BCC
  • subscriptionRenderFormat - The report renderer format supported by your reporting services instance, defaults to CSV
  • subscriptionToFile_FilePath - File path to write reports to
  • subscriptionToFile_UserName - Username to run file save as
  • subscriptionToFile_Password - Password for user to save files
  • subscriptionToFile_FileName - Filename prefix on saved reports
  • reportParameters - a semi colon separated string of report parameters in the format Key=Value