Distributed Locking via SQL Server
Sproc.Lock gives a quick and easy way to take and release locks across multiple servers, using SQL Server as a back end.
Building Sproc.Lock will attempt to deploy it's schema as one of the build steps - by
default it will try to create/connect to a database called Lock
on (local)
the credentials of the user running the build scripts; setting an environment variable
called LockConnString
with an alternative connection string will override this and
both deploy and test Sproc.Lock on the server of your choice.
Once a server is deployed, using the library is easy. Let's assume that we have a third
party service called NastyAPI
which we only have one account for.
We'd like to write a service that only calls NastyAPI if no one else is, to avoid punitive charges. (They're nasty, okay?)
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#r "Sproc.Lock.dll" open System open Sproc.Lock.Fun let lserver = "SQL Server connection string here" let GetNastyData () = use lock = GetGlobalLock lserver (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.) "NastyAPI" match lock with | Locked l -> NastyAPI.DoOp() | Unavailable -> () // Do nothing | Error i -> () // Sproc.Lock internal error occurred |
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper class; all examples below are static members
/// within it.
/// These examples use the Sproc.Lock.OO namespace
/// </summary>
public class DoWork
static LockProvider provider = new LockProvider("sql connection string");
static public void GetNastyData()
using (var myLock = provider.GlobalLock("NastyAPI", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0)))
} // Lock released when Disposed
catch (LockUnavailableException)
// Do nothing
catch (LockRequestErrorException)
// Sproc.Lock internal error occurred
} |
What does this do? Well, it gets the lock called NastyAPI
from the Sproc.Lock server if
(and only if) it's available; if it is, it calls NastyAPI.
If not it does nothing. All Lock
s and LockResult
s are IDisposable
, so the lock will
be dropped when the function completes regardless of which execution route is taken.
Regardless of what else happens, the lock server will drop the lock after 5 minutes; the maximum duration specified in the get lock call should be well in excess of the time you expect NastyAPI to take. Why is this? Well - if your service were to crash, or (worse) hang indefinitely, that lock would be unavailable forever. Conversely, if you pick too short a maximum duration your operation may not be finished before the lock expires.
Be conservative with maximum durations; an order of magnitude more than the normal time required is probably about right.
This is all very clean; but normally you don't want to just "do nothing" if the lock is unavailable. Let's wait for it to become free instead.
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let WaitForNastyData () = use lock = fun () -> GetGlobalLock lserver (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.) "NastyAPI" |> AwaitLock (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.) match lock with | Locked l -> NastyAPI.DoOp() | Unavailable -> () // Do nothing | Error i -> () // Sproc.Lock internal error occurred |
static public void WaitForNastyData()
using (var myLock = provider.AwaitGlobalLock("NastyAPI",
} // Lock released when Disposed
catch (LockUnavailableException)
// Do nothing
catch (LockRequestErrorException)
// Sproc.Lock internal error occurred
} |
This code is very similar to the code above, except that if the lock is not immediately available, it will check repeatedly for the next 5 minutes until it is.
Only after the 5 minutes is up will it then report the lock unavailable; if it acquires it on any of the attempts inbetween it will call NastyAPI.
How often does it poll? Initially very fast, backing off if the lock is not immediately available.
If we have multiple NastyAPI
accounts, we can also take advantage of that to make
a number of concurrent requests limited to the number of available accounts.
First, we need to create a seq of lock IDs which are unique to each account:
let lockIds = ["NastyAPI1";"NastyAPI2"] |
static List<String> lockIds = new List<string> { "NastyAPI1", "NastyAPI2" }; |
Then we can try to see if any of them are available:
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let GetAnyNastyData () = use lock = lockIds |> OneOfLocks (fun id -> GetGlobalLock lserver (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.) id) match lock with | Locked l -> // We know which lock we obtained here NastyAPI.DoAccountOp l.LockId | Unavailable -> () // Do nothing - no locks available | Error i -> () // Sproc.Lock internal error occurred |
static public void GetAnyNastyData()
using (var myLock = provider.OneOf(
id => provider.GlobalLock(id, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0)),
} // Lock released when Disposed
catch (LockUnavailableException)
catch (LockRequestErrorException)
} |
Or, again, we can await one of the collection of locks:
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let AwaitAnyNastyData () = use lock = fun () -> lockIds |> OneOfLocks (fun id -> GetGlobalLock lserver (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.) id) |> AwaitLock (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.) match lock with | Locked l -> // We know which lock we obtained here NastyAPI.DoAccountOp l.LockId | Unavailable -> () // Do nothing - no locks available | Error i -> () // Sproc.Lock internal error occurred |
static public void AwaitAnyNastyData()
using (var myLock = provider.AwaitOneOf(
id => provider.GlobalLock(id, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0)),
} // Lock released when Disposed
catch (LockUnavailableException)
catch (LockRequestErrorException)
} |
Using "scoped" locks works in a similar fashion. Let's look at an API that a "Organisation" can only access with a single shared connection:
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let OrganisationNastyData orgName = use lock = GetOrganisationLock lserver orgName (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.) "NastyAPI" match lock with | Locked _ -> // Any number of organisations can do this at the same time NastyAPI.DoOp () | Unavailable -> // Only reached if the same organisation has already acquired the lock () | Error i -> // Sproc.Lock hit an error () |
static public void OrganisationNastyData(string orgName)
using (var myLock = provider.OrganisationLock(orgName, "NastyAPI", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0)))
} // Lock released when Disposed
catch (LockUnavailableException)
catch (LockRequestErrorException)
} |
And possibly more frequently, there might be a collection of accounts available within production environments for a client, and a separate collection for non-production testing.
For our final example, let's assume we have multiple accounts available in production, a single testing account, and we're willing to wait up to 2 minutes for a lock to become available.
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type NastyAccounts = { OrganisationName : string Environment : string AccountNames : string list } let flyAwayProd = { OrganisationName = "FlyAwayAir" Environment = "PRD" AccountNames = ["Nasty1";"Nasty2"] } let flyAwayTest = { OrganisationName = "FlyAwayAir" Environment = "TST" AccountNames = ["Nasty1"] } let otherTest = { OrganisationName = "OtherAir" Environment = "PRD" AccountNames = ["Nasty1"] } let GetNastyLock accounts = use lock = fun () -> accounts.AccountNames |> OneOfLocks (fun lid -> GetEnvironmentLock lserver accounts.OrganisationName accounts.Environment (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 5.) lid) |> AwaitLock (TimeSpan.FromMinutes 2.) match lock with | Locked lockId -> // All three "Nasty1" locks might be in use concurrently here; // but only one from each organisation/environment NastyAPI.DoAccountOp lockId | Unavailable -> () | Error _ -> () |
public class NastyAccounts
public string OrganisationName { get; set; }
public List<string> AccountNames { get; set; }
public string Environment { get; set; }
public NastyAccounts(string orgName, string env, List<string> accounts)
this.OrganisationName = orgName;
this.Environment = env;
this.AccountNames = accounts;
public static NastyAccounts flyAwayProd =
new NastyAccounts("FlyAwayAir",
"PRD", new List<string> { "Nasty1", "Nasty2" });
public static NastyAccounts flyAwayTest =
new NastyAccounts("FlyAwayAir",
"TST", new List<string> { "Nasty1" });
public static NastyAccounts otherTest =
new NastyAccounts("OtherAir",
"PRD", new List<string> { "Nasty1" });
public static void GetNastyLock(NastyAccounts accounts)
using (var myLock = provider.AwaitOneOf(
id => provider.EnvironmentLock(
id, accounts.OrganisationName,
accounts.Environment, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0)),
catch (LockUnavailableException)
catch (LockRequestErrorException)
} |
Full name: Tutorial.NastyAPI.DoOp
Full name: Tutorial.NastyAPI.DoAccountOp
from Sproc.Lock
Full name: Tutorial.lserver
Full name: Tutorial.GetNastyData
Full name: Sproc.Lock.Fun.GetGlobalLock
type TimeSpan =
new : ticks:int64 -> TimeSpan + 3 overloads
member Add : ts:TimeSpan -> TimeSpan
member CompareTo : value:obj -> int + 1 overload
member Days : int
member Duration : unit -> TimeSpan
member Equals : value:obj -> bool + 1 overload
member GetHashCode : unit -> int
member Hours : int
member Milliseconds : int
member Minutes : int
Full name: System.TimeSpan
TimeSpan(ticks: int64) : unit
TimeSpan(hours: int, minutes: int, seconds: int) : unit
TimeSpan(days: int, hours: int, minutes: int, seconds: int) : unit
TimeSpan(days: int, hours: int, minutes: int, seconds: int, milliseconds: int) : unit
from Tutorial
Full name: Tutorial.WaitForNastyData
Full name: Sproc.Lock.Fun.AwaitLock
Full name: Tutorial.lockIds
Full name: Tutorial.GetAnyNastyData
Full name: Sproc.Lock.Fun.OneOfLocks
Full name: Tutorial.AwaitAnyNastyData
Full name: Tutorial.OrganisationNastyData
Full name: Sproc.Lock.Fun.GetOrganisationLock
{OrganisationName: string;
Environment: string;
AccountNames: string list;}
Full name: Tutorial.NastyAccounts
val string : value:'T -> string
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.string
type string = String
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string
NastyAccounts.Environment: string
type Environment =
static member CommandLine : string
static member CurrentDirectory : string with get, set
static member Exit : exitCode:int -> unit
static member ExitCode : int with get, set
static member ExpandEnvironmentVariables : name:string -> string
static member FailFast : message:string -> unit + 1 overload
static member GetCommandLineArgs : unit -> string[]
static member GetEnvironmentVariable : variable:string -> string + 1 overload
static member GetEnvironmentVariables : unit -> IDictionary + 1 overload
static member GetFolderPath : folder:SpecialFolder -> string + 1 overload
nested type SpecialFolder
nested type SpecialFolderOption
Full name: System.Environment
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.list<_>
Full name: Tutorial.flyAwayProd
union case Lock.Environment: connString: string * lockId: string * hashed: Hashed * organisation: Hashed * environment: Hashed * instance: Guid -> Lock
type Environment =
static member CommandLine : string
static member CurrentDirectory : string with get, set
static member Exit : exitCode:int -> unit
static member ExitCode : int with get, set
static member ExpandEnvironmentVariables : name:string -> string
static member FailFast : message:string -> unit + 1 overload
static member GetCommandLineArgs : unit -> string[]
static member GetEnvironmentVariable : variable:string -> string + 1 overload
static member GetEnvironmentVariables : unit -> IDictionary + 1 overload
static member GetFolderPath : folder:SpecialFolder -> string + 1 overload
nested type SpecialFolder
nested type SpecialFolderOption
Full name: System.Environment
Full name: Tutorial.flyAwayTest
Full name: Tutorial.otherTest
Full name: Tutorial.GetNastyLock
Full name: Sproc.Lock.Fun.GetEnvironmentLock